Believe it or not, finding game show buzzer, & equipment for hire in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, or anywhere across Australia is exceptionally more difficult than you might first anticipate.

Game Shows Australia DO provide complete, fully produced shows, complete with a host & tech to operate the larger podiums & tabletop consoles, but what if you’re looking for something smaller?

After years of client requests, we had to come up with something that was simple, and extremely easy to use for smaller use.

The answer is our Red Buzzers. We can supply up to ten red buzzers that are completely wireless. If you need to project the names & scores onto a screen, the laptop allows you to do so as the system is completely integrated with the red buzzers.


While these buzzers are not recommended for an actual show, they can be great for training days, and even public events where compact size and simplicity, along with solo operations are important.

Our red buzzers are available all across Australia as we are able to ship the entire setup inexpensively and with ease.

For public events & displays, we do strongly recommend our larger scale shows however, as a professional host and technician are also included to ensure a seamless presentation with professional equipment.Our red buzzers are available all across Australia as we are able to ship the entire setup inexpensively and with ease.

We do not hire out the larger equipment without the technician. In most cases we also do not hire it out without the host.

Instead, we CAN have your host as a co-host, but for the sake of peace of mind and a smooth running event, we prefer to have our professional hosts run the Game Show.

For more information on booking one of our LIVE corporate Game Shows, or simply hiring our Red Buzzer Game show Equipment, be sure to contact us today!

Zurich won BEST Trade Show DISPLAY with our Game Shows
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